Update #7 MidKnight Story - Sliding Mechanic, Numian Canyon, Photo Mode and More!


Hello everyone! I hope the beginning of the new year has treated you well! I, instead,  got Covid during the first week of January (thanks 2022!) but managed to get back on my feet pretty quickly. 

For this new update, I'd love to showcase some of the mechanics I've been working on lately, including a brand new location that you will explore during your adventures in MidKnight Story.


Here’s a videoclip summarizing some of the new mechanics recently introduced:


One of the newest additions to Paran's movement system is sliding. Every time the player gains momentum (by sprinting for example) and travels over terrain like sand, mud, or ice, Paran will perform a slide that can be kept up for as long as the player stays on that specific terrain at a downward slope. 


You can now make extra long jumps when sprinting, a skill Paran will need to use in order to reach certain locations.


I also added new landing animations and special effects for when Paran lands hard on the ground.



Thanks to the MegaGrant I received from Epic Games, I'm excited to share that I'm now able to fund voice acting for MidKnight Story! 

Cast as Paran, I would like to introduce Kevin Paculan! He's already been doing a great job bringing Paran to life! (You can hear a bit his work so far in Paran's grunts and breathing)


That's it for this update! Thank you for reading.


Lead Developer of MidKnight Story

Mattia Ciurlino